Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Does Tay Sachs Affect The Life Why Do People Think That It Is Okay To Use TAY SACHS DISEASE As An Excuse To Calls Jews A RACE?

Why do people think that it is okay to use TAY SACHS DISEASE as an excuse to calls Jews a RACE? - how does tay sachs affect the life

The fact is that the Tay-Sachs disease can affect anyone of us, even if it might affect Ashkenazi Jews (Sephardic Jews, not so much), does not mean that someone will spend, or can transmit the disease. ..

If the facts were as follows:

Each ethnic group has a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. For example, thalassemia is more common in the Mediterranean countries and sickle cell anemia is more common among Africans. While TSD), one of the Ashkenazic Jews (Jews of European origin in the East, is much more likely to carry the defective gene TSD.

One in 25 Ashkenazi Jews carry the gene for DNT.
one in 300 in the general population carry the gene for DNT.
1:2500 Ashkenazi Jews born babies die TSD
1: 360 000 babies born in the wider community is of the TSD
Affected children are 100 times more likely to be of Ashkenazi Jewish decent.
The most common form of TSD is the classic form, affects the children. However, there are other, rarer forms. These other forms are less severe, and can ocIf this is not too late in life, this child classical DNT.

TSD (Tay-Sachs)



Leibel JPAA said...

We are not a race? "Well, there goes my dream of becoming a minority!
We are not a race. I am a Jew, and I'm Ashkenazi. My parents prove that to ensure that they wore. If my father had married a Cajun or my mother an Irish Catholic also tested. Cajuns and Irish genes. I'm quite confident that the Irish and the Cajuns are not part of a "Jewish race". When people ask me what I often say "the Jews", but it solves problems with people who know nothing of the Jews. In the area I live in a Jewish neighborhood, for example, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, etc., not the Jews, because we know it is not a Jewish race.
My great grandmother was Sepharidic. She was a Jew from Egypt. I was less likely that the gene coding for an implementation of French Canadian from Quebec.
People want to believe what they want to believe. We can not stop. We can educate them.

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